University of Virginia Health System Scrapbook: The 1960s
- Library Books and Journals: 53,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 800
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $490, Other $980
- Number of Medical Students: 304
- The Hospital Auxiliary gives $20,000 to University of Virginia Hospital.
- The new addition is the largest project ever financed by the state: $6.5 million, with 276,000 square feet.
- Miss Roy Beazley is honored by the Virginia State Nurses’ Association.
- The memorabilia of Dr. William Kerr, a student in 1826, is exhibited in the Medical School Library.
- First patient moves into new hospital.
- School of Nursing baccalaureate program is accredited.
- The Administration — House Staff Softball Series is now tied.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1960

The new multi-story hospital under construction

Peoples Drug Store donates a 103-pound candy bar to the Children’s Rehabilitation Center

The Mary Stamps Suhling Research Laboratories are now in use

The Surgical Suite provides twelve major operating rooms

The Internal Medicine Department, ca. 1960

University of Virginia Medical Center Hospital, completed in 1960, provides 682 beds and bassinets
- Library Books and Journals: 54,700
- Current Library Periodicals: n/a
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- “First-rate medical education, patient care, and research cannot be maintained without good medical research libraries.” – Dr. William Moll, Library Director
- “We must provide adequate space for our medical library, which is simply bulging at the seams.” – Dean Hunter

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1961

New University of Virginia hospital dedicated April 14, 1961, providing 682 beds and bassinets

Aerial view of the hospital complex
- Library Books and Journals: 56,733
- Current Library Periodicals: n/a
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- The north wing of the original hospital is torn down.
- Four story addition construction for clinical offices and diagnostic and treatment facilities is 25% complete.
- Dr. Frederic B. Westervelt is appointed administrator for the Children’s Rehabilitation Center.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1962

Doing research in the Medical Library

Nursing students in and around Hospital Grounds

University of Virginia School of Nursing Officers

Henry Bearden Mulholland, University of Virginia School of Medicine, 1920; UVa Professor, 1922-1962

Dr. Wilhelm Moll joins the Faculty of the School of Medicine as an Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Librarian of the Medical Library
- Library Books and Journals: 55,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 825
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- Miss Margaret Weakley is hired as the first Serials Librarian for the Medical Library.
- Medical Wives compile Kitchen Operations to benefit the Medical Library Fund.
- UVa purchases 15 parcels on Jefferson Park Avenue to expand the medical center for half a million dollars.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1963

“K” Unit Opens as the New Intensive Care Area

A new pump shows technology at the forefront here in the University of Virginia Hospital

Drs. Wilhelm Moll, Albert J Paquin, Jr., and James E. Kindred in front of the old Medical Library

William Lamm, Hospital Director of Security, gets John Stacey’s fingerprints while Dean Crispell observes the new ID card process

A view of the soda fountain in the new Hospital Snack Bar
- Library Books and Journals: 70,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 1,250
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $535, Other $1,100
- Number of Medical Students: 304
- New Medical Library drive officially launched.
- Medical Library Building Committee begins work on selecting a site for the new Medical Library.
- Medical Wives compile cookbook to aid fund drive for the new Medical Library.
- “Get a new car loan for as little as $53.15 a month; a $2,400 car with 1/3 cash or trade–SEE YOUR CREDIT UNION Tel. 2366″
- The Medical School Library is presented with an eighteenth-century treatise on the human ear.
- A new mental health clinic opens.
- The first Robley Dunglison Award is given to Dr. Edward Crawley.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1964

Annual University of Virginia School of Nursing Ball

Dr. James Kindred, who taught histology, embryology and anatomy, retires after 41 years on the School of Medicine faculty

Drs. William Muller and Munsey Wheby

Annie Lipscomb, long-time secretary to the Dean, cited by the Seven Society for loyalty and devotion to the University

Kenneth Crispell becomes the seventh Dean of the University of Virginia School of Medicine

Wilhelm Moll in the attic of Cabell Hall

Carl Speidel retires after a record 44 years teaching anatomy at the School of Medicine
- Library Books and Journals: 70,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 1,250
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia: $550, Other $1190
- Number of Medical Students: 304
- Dialysis Center is being developed.
- Camp is initiated for boys with diabetes.
- The Medical Wives Club raises money for the new Medical Library from the sale of a cookbook, Kitchen Operations.
- The Medical Library has three professional librarians.
- The University of Virginia School of Nursing diploma program is to be terminated.
- UVa Center for Treatment of Birth Defects is the first in Virginia.
- Charges for daily hospital care, which includes room, board, nursing, and other routine services, will be increased an average of $3 per day. (The current rate for semi-private accommodations is $17-19.)

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1965

Edward Cawley, Chairman of the Department of Dermatology

This collection of disposable items includes tubes, drains, catheters, needles, and diapers, but no disposable surgical gloves

Dr. R.H. Gourley, Professor of Pharmacology and Dr. Wilhelm Moll, Medical Librarian, examine a one-hundred-year-old item

R.G.J. Galasso uses newly installed electron microscope
- Library Books and Journals: 67,319
- Current Library Periodicals: 1,268
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- “The concepts of ‘the university without walls’ and the lifetime role of the practicing physician as a scholar and teacher espouses a philosophy that I believe we should try to make a reality. Modern communications advances should be of great assistance in our efforts to link medical centers, community hospitals of all sizes, and individual practicing physicians.” —Charles L. Crockett, Jr., Assistant Dean for Continuing Medical Education and Professor of Internal Medicine
- “The plans for the medical library are progressing … It is difficult to plan a building that will be functional five years after completion. Our consultants tell us that the electronic age of communications is here and much of the space should be reserved for “electronic gadgetry.” —Dean of the School of Medicine, Kenneth R. Crispell
- UVa Hospital signs an agreement to allow the hospital to participate in Medicare program.
- The first male graduates from the School of Nursing.
- Dr. Mary M. Lohr assumes duties as the new Dean of the School of Nursing.
- Dr. Henry B. Mulholland dies.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1966

Zula Mae Baber Bice, Acting Dean of the University of Virginia School of Nursing

“The Corner,” circa 1966

Medical Library’s current books and periodicals
- Library Books and Journals: 69,834
- Current Library Periodicals: 1,318
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1967

Vivian Pinn, one of the first African-American women to graduate from the University of Virginia School of Medicine

Nursing students hit the books

University of Virginia School of Nursing Graduation, 1967

Fire prevention poster
- Library Books and Journals: 70,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 1,300
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1968

Aerial view of the University of Virginia with the medical complex in the foreground in 1968

New Hospital shuttle bus

Mrs. Stanton with one of the Hospital’s new medication carts

Dean of the School of Medicine, Kenneth R. Crispell

“Dr. Hedges is a man whose medical ability is matched only by his ability to outfish and outwalk all his residents, and who can calmly lean back and quote the first half of Book I of the ‘Odyssey’ in the original just for the pleasure of hearing Homer’s thundering lines” —Joseph Vaughan, Professor of Humanities. Halstead Hedges was Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology for more than 30 years and died this year at the age of 100
- Library Books and Journals: 73,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 1,360
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia. $550, Other $1,190
- Number of Medical Students: 317
- Dr. Paul Barringer’s diplomas are presented to the Medical Library.
- Dr. Wilhelm Moll compiles Basic Journal List for Small Hospital Libraries.
- School of Medicine, Class of 1969, donates a gift to the Medical Library Building Fund.
- Rare 1892 diplomas given to the Medical Library.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1969

Edward Hook, Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine

John Jane, Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery

Joseph Larner, Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology

Medical School Class Play: “Who’s calling the shots?”

The Medical Education Building takes shape.