University of Virginia Health System Scrapbook: The 1950s
- Library Books and Journals: 29,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 419
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $400, Other: $800
- Number of Medical Students: 275
- The Bursar’s Office no longer returns fine money to the Medical Library, resulting in an annual loss of about $150.
- Additional storage space in Cabell Hall Attic required for Medical Libary.
- Surgical instruments belonging to an 1831 graduate are donated.
- Dr. Beverly Smith, speaking for the Library Committee, says the Medical Library needs more space, more help, and more funds.
- Thirty men of the first year class are WWII veterans.
- First Staige Davis Blackford Memorial Lecture presented.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1950

Anatomy class

Henry Mulholland

Roy Beazley, Director of Nurses

Blue Ridge Hospital opens new West Wing

Capping Ceremony for School of Nursing Class of 1950

Dr. Harvey Jordan and Miss Russell
- Library Books and Journals: 31,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 500
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- Dr. Stephen H. Watts presents the Library with a five-volume edition of Galen’s House of Guinta.
- The Medical Library reports that Dr. R. Earle Glendy has given the Library a set of surgical instruments belonging to an 1831 graduate, Henry Moss Bentley, of the University of Virginia School of Medicine.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1951

Vernon W. Lippard, Dean of the School of Medicine

Aerial view of the University of Virginia medical complex

Learning the nursing arts through observation

Student nurse checks with her mentor

University assigns medical students to the Ranges
- Library Books and Journals: n/a
- Current Library Periodicals: n/a
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1952

Mad (?) Scientists Dr. William Parson and Dr. Kenneth Crispell in research labs

Medical student “works up a patient”

What University of Virginia nurses hear, speak, and see

University of Virginia Hospital’s Newborn Unit
- Library Books and Journals: 27,819
- Current Library Periodicals: 450
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- A new X-Ray Emergency Room opens for patients on Wednesday, April 29th.
- University Hospital starts small lending library of 350 books on Wards L and I.
- Recognizing the Library’s need for financial support, Dean Vernon Lippard states, “There is only from $3,000 to $4,000 a year available to the Library; its minimum requirement is $10,000 a year.”

Dr. Edwin P. Lehman retires as Chief of Surgery after 25 years of service to the University of Virginia

In February, Dr. Thomas H. Hunter takes over as Dean of the School of Medicine

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1953

University of Virginia School of Nursing Class of 1953

Dr. E. Cato Drash, with Miss Louise Rea and Dr. George R. Minor, wages a surgical war in an effort to eradicate pulmonary tuberculosis
- Library Books and Journals: 39,000
- Current Library Periodicals: 550
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $400, Other $800
- Number of Medical Students: 285
- Medical Library receives alumni gift of $4,043.65.
- First class of the Baccalaureate Program of Nursing graduates.
- A lending library for the use of staff and patients is started. Two book cases are set up on Wards I and L.
- Hospital Auxiliary, formerly the Hospital Circle, celebrates 50 years of service.
- Hospital security program begins.
- William Muller is new surgery chief.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1954

Progress continues on the Barringer Wing

Edward Hipp opens Vessel Bank for the preservation of human arteries

William Muller and Thomas Hunter

C. Bruce Morton, Head Professor of Surgery

John Lloyd Newcomb, 1851-1954, second president of the University

Benjamin W. Rawles, 1930 graduate of the School of Medicine

Medical School Reading Room

Hospital Director John Stacey outlines building program
- Library Books and Journals: 41,500
- Current Library Periodicals: 600
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $400, Other $800
- Number of Medical Students: 285
- Thermometer breakage at the University of Virginia under study; over 15,000 thermometers issued in 10 months.
- Planning funds released for proposed $4.5 million multi-story central unit for University of Virginia Hospital.
- Cerebral Palsy Clinic opens, first in the state.
- McKim Hall enlarged.
- University to acquire cobalt unit for cancer treatment.
- New oxygen system requires two miles of pipe.
- Douglas Eastwood named Anesthesiology Chairman.
- New 31-bed unit will open to provide above-average nursing care for the acutely ill and injured, and will set a pattern for the establishment of similar units throughout the country.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1955

University of Virginia School of Nursing Dance

Hospital Directory John Stacey points out features of the building program

Dr. Fletcher Woodward, advocate of seat belts, practices what he preaches
- Library Books and Journals: 43,723
- Current Library Periodicals: 643
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- Construction starts on children’s rehabilitation center.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1956

Nursing students and their patients

Aerial view of University of Virginia Medical School and “The Corner”

Medical School Library Reading Room

Medical School Library
- Library Books and Journals: n/a
- Current Library Periodicals: n/a
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- South Wing, the second building of the original hospital built in 1905, to be destroyed.
- Children’s Rehabilitation Center opens.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1957

Evelyn Bacon, Acting Chairman, Department of Nursing

Edward Bertram Nash, one of the two African-Americans in the Medical School Class of 1957

Edward Thomas Wood, one of the two African-Americans in the Medical School Class of 1957

Pink Ladies

University of Virginia School of Nursing Choral Group
- Library Books and Journals: n/a
- Current Library Periodicals: n/a
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1958

The Corner in 1958

Ground-breaking ceremonies for the new multi-story addition to University of Virginia Hospital. From left to right: Dean Hunter, President Darden, Dr. Archer, Dr. Mulholland, and Director Stacey

Byrd S. Leavell named Assistant Dean

Henry Bearden Mulholland retires as Assistant Dean

Margaret G. Tyson appointed first Dean of the School of Nursing
- Library Books and Journals: 51,500
- Current Library Periodicals: 750
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $500, Other $1000
- Number of Medical Students: 304
- Total annual appropriations for new equipment is $5000.
- Rare books by Galen and Vesalius are exhibited.
- Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery is granted full accreditation for residency training–the first and only program in Virginia.
- Hospital Auxiliary contributes $10,000, which is used in part to purchase “electronic equipment for recording heart action.”
- The School of Nursing Baccalaureate Degree Program is the first to be accredited in Virginia.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1959

Construction of multi-story hospital addition

Colgate W. Darden, Jr. transfers presidency of the University of Virginia to Edgar F. Shannon, Jr.

Construction of multi-story hospital addition

First hemodialysis unit at UVa

Department of Physical Therapy adds a tank for hot tubbing that is useful for polio and arthritic patients.