University of Virginia Historical Collections at the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library

Nurse Ruth Beery: Correspondence with Next of Kin (Letter 27)

Brighton, Ill
March 7. 1946

My Dear Ruth
We were so glad to hear
from you about my
Son P.vt Delbert. I guess
you seen him a boy in
his co once wrote & told
us Delbert was wounded
June 23 & died 24 they also
said: he was wounded about
2:30. was that in morning
or after noon & when did
he die what time day or night
did he ever know any thing
after he was taken to the
Hospital Delbert had
3 other Bro in Service
they are all home now

where did he die the
name of the place in
Italy was it near the
Anzio Beach head? was
his wound very bad? was
it deep or what? would
you please let me know
I may never know if
you don’t tell me these
thing I did want to know
what time he died how
soon did they burry [bury] him
after he died. I am sure
the Dr’s & nurses did all
they could was you one of
his nurses? I am Delbert
mother Delbert was the first
to go in our family I had 11
children thanks for writing

Mrs. E. E. Whitaker

[envelope marked "ans"]

Box/Folder: 33/030

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