Warm Springs: Letter from Wm. W. Harvie to J. H. Cocke, July 22, 1853
This letter was written as a result of the death of Dr. Brockenbrough who had a long-standing interest in Warm Springs. In his diary, Philip St. George Cocke states that the Warm Springs property was conveyed by deed in 1814 to Dr. Brockenbrough and two other persons. The 1846 edition of Burke’s book includes a paragraph about Dr. John Brockenbrough, “For the last two years the springs have been under the immediate control of the proprietor, Dr. John Brockenbrough, former President of the Bank of Virginia. He has selected that place as his summer retreat, and there we hope the nymphs of the fountain will annually seethe him to re-juvenescence, so that for many, many years, he may adorn society as one of the last of the ‘gentlemen of the old school’ – a generation, now, alas! rapidly passing away.” {Burke, 64}

John Hartwell Cocke, Papers, 1725-1931, Accession 640, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.
Richmond July 22nd. 1853
Genl J. H. Cocke
Dear Sir
There are standing in your name in the books of the Warm Springs Co. 5 shares of stock. Dr. Brockenbrough during his life had from time to time purchased the interests of different parties until at his death he owned about 5/6ths of the whole. As guardian of his two adopted children, to whom the whole of his estate has been divised by Mrs. Brockenbrough, I am endeavoring to buy up the remainder of the stock. The price he paid for it and at which I have already the interests of several other part is $75 a share. If you are willing to sell at that price, I would be obliged to you to address me a letter to that effect and I will send you the form of the deed required and a check for the money.
I am, Very Resp’y
Yrs. &c
Wm. W. Harvie
P.S. Please address your letter to me at the “Warm Springs, Bath C.H.”