Rockbridge Alum Springs: Grand Hotel, 1891

Rockbridge Alum Springs, Announcement for 1891. Its attractions as a summer resort. Testimonials, Richmond, Va.: E. Waddey Co., 1891. Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.
This back cover of a 50 page pamphlet shows the bustling activity at Rockbridge in the late nineteenth century. The Grand Hotel was opened in 1873 at the adjacent Jordan Springs. Bitter disputes resulted in a high fence being built between the Rockbridge and the Jordan Springs. An insert at back of the book, The Pine and the Palm Greeting, states, “Rockbridge Alum, James A. Frazier, Proprietor, one-half mile distant by public road, (Skilled gymnasts can reach it in 120 yards by vaulting a high fence,) a delightful and popular Summer resort.” {Watkins} In 1880 the two resorts merged into one.
N. J. Watkins, ed., The Pine and the Palm Greeting, Baltimore : J. D. Ehlers’ & Co.’s Engraving and Printing House, 1873.