Red Sweet Springs: Letter from James D. Wood to Moses D. Hoge, September 8, 1843

James D. Wood Letter, 1843 Sep. 8, Accession #4422, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.
Red Springs 8th. Sept. 1843
Dear Sir,
As you were kind enough to start & ride with us when I left home I could but believe you took some interest in our welfare & prosperity – We spent 12 days at the Allum Springs & were benefited myself more than Susan. We staid next 8 days at the Hot Springs: Susan was sick there one day which was rather a draw back. & yesterday we arrived here, an exceedingly pleasant place: I think she is improving Considerably We have made many pleasant acquaintances and upon the whole. so far had an agreable trip: we expect to remain here untill about the 15th. & then for home –
I think I have gained some 15 or 20 [ ] and my general health greatly improved: Susan not so much:
I hope you have had a profitable meeting – I could but feel a deep interest in its results – we shall endeavor to get home by Commencement
Very Respy….James D. Wood
I will thank you to ask Mr. Dunlap to make the Collection of the Student forms & have his accts made out for me by the time I get home JDW