University of Virginia Health System Scrapbook: The 1990s
- Library Books and Journals: 161,569
- Current Library Periodicals: 2,897
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $6,928, Other $14,728
- Number of Medical Students: 556
- A new helicopter for the Pegasus emergency air service arrives.
- Dr. Edward Hook retires as chair of Internal Medicine; his successor is Dr. John Marshall.
- John Harlan retires after 38 years of service, many of them as Hospital Director and Assistant Vice President for Allied Health Sciences.
- The University of Virginia School of Medicine reaches record recruitment of minority students: 10% of the incoming class.
- The 7th and 8th floors of the University Hospital open for the Children’s Medical Center, Women’s Pavilion, and the DeCamp Burn Center.
- Phase II of the addition to the Kluge’s Children’s Rehabilitation Center is finished.
- Historical Collections is home to the archives of the American Lung Association of Virginia.
- The University of Virginia’s first LDRP (Labor, Delivery, Recovery, Postpartum) rooms are in use.
- For the first time, the University of Virginia assigns a full-time faculty member to a satellite clinic.

Apheresis machine retrieves blood once discarded

John Casteen, President of the University of Virginia

Linda Watson named Director of Library, effective May 1

The University of Virginia is 1 of 5 locations in the world to use ROBOSTAT

Dr. Moses K. Woode named Assistant Dean for Student Academics

Smoking policy at the University Hospital is developed

Children’s Medical Center shaping up

Grant supports post-baccalaureate program
- Library Books and Journals: 165,081
- Current Library Periodicals: 4,666
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- The Health Sciences Library celebrates its fifteenth year.

A portion of the University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1991 outside the Health Sciences Library

Catching up with the latest issue of a journal

In the book stacks

Working on a computer in the Learning Resource Center

The Claude Moore Health Sciences Library 15th Anniversary Celebration: Dr. Donald Lindberg, Director of the National Library of Medicine, with Dr. Don Detmer (on the left) and Library Director Linda Watson. In his address, “The Computer and the Academical Village,” Dr. Lindberg speculated that Mr. Jefferson would have welcomed computers as a way to extend human memory, and as an important tool for the creation and application of useful knowledge.

University of Virginia School of Nursing Graduation, 1991
- Library Books and Journals: 169,410
- Current Library Periodicals: 5,203
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- The Health Sciences Library provides Outreach Services around Virginia.
- Drs. Mohan Nadkarni and Paul DeMarco open the Charlottesville Free Clinic.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1992

Jean Lancaster, Dean of the School of Nursing

Students cracking the books in the Library

It’s always time to study

Time for research at the computers

Outreach Services are provided by the Library throughout Virginia

Medical students tour the Charlottesville Free Clinic facilities, for which they solicited building supplies

The Spinal Chords Choral Group supports the newly opened Free Clinic
- Library Books and Journals: 169,796
- Current Library Periodicals: 2,908
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- President Bill Clinton introduces his health care plan to the nation.
- “Forced to change the way we provide health care because of otherwise insurmountable problems of cost and access, we hope fervently that a reformed health care system will not simply be different, but better.” —Vice President and Provost for Health Sciences, Don Detmer
- The University of Virginia becomes the only approved liver transplant center between Baltimore and Atlanta.

The Spinal Chords Choral Group

The Palpitations Choral Group

A new Computer Lab opens in the Library

Jordan Hall Annex Construction
- Library Books and Journals: 178,275
- Current Library Periodicals: 2,876
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $8,702, Other $19,012
- Number of Medical Students: 556
- Work continues on Jordan Hall.
- the University of Virginia’s HMO, QualChoice, is introduced to the Charlottesville area.
- Success of the Medical Academic Advancement Program (MAAP) shows in number of minority medical students.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1994

Sam & Lisa Brooke take time out from their studies

Robert M. Carey, Dean of the School of Medicine

Pegasus Air Ambulance Service celebrates 10th anniversary

The robots are coming

A home away from home in Salem, Virginia

Standardized patient program provides students with opportunities to practice clinical skills

Dr. Benjamin Sturgill, Associate Dean of Admissions
- Library Books and Journals: 181,123
- Current Library Periodicals: 2,895
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $9,238, Other $21,212
- Number of Medical Students: 556
- Blue Ridge inpatient units prepare to move.
- Northridge is to become a premier outpatient center.
- A new Acupuncture Clinic opens at Blue Ridge.
- The University of Virginia telemedicine system is used for the first time.
- the University of Virginia Nursing History Center receives the first archival collection from the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners.
- The official kickoff of the largest fund-raising campaign in the Health System’s history takes place.
- The Bone Marrow Transplant Unit offers new hope for kids fighting cancer.
- The Cancer Center opens.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1995

Body Talk opens

Dr. Robert M. Carey, Dean of the School of Medicine

Library celebrates the re-opening of the Jordan Link

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy debuts

Hospice and Palliative Care Unit opens under the direction of Dr. Carlos Gomez

Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Richard D. Pearson

Three-story conference center under construction along with additions to Jordan Hall
- Library Books and Journals: 1185,023
- Current Library Periodicals: 2,840
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1996

Putting in some study time in the Library

Computer research in the Library

A group of medical students in the Library

Students hard at work in the Library

Construction continues on the new Medical Education Building
- Library Books and Journals: 187,965
- Current Library Periodicals: 2,315
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: n/a
- In 1997, the Health Sciences Library answered 93,000 reference questions, provided computing services to over 55,000 users, and supported more than 148,000 computer literature searches.

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1997

Students love the friendly Library staff

Students doing research in the Library’s Learning Resource Center

Computer literature searching in the Library
- Library Books and Journals: 188,391
- Current Library Periodicals: 2,380
- Medical School Tuition: n/a
- Number of Medical Students: 556
- A preliminary design of the L-shaped Biomedical Engineering and Medical Sciences Building, to be located next to McLeod Hall, is finished.
- The University of Virginia Hospital Auxiliary celebrates 90 years of service.
- The use of powder-free, low-latex gloves is made hospital policy.
- The Claude Moore Health Sciences Library forms a committee called Library Partners to steer its capital campaign with the goal of raising $5 million.
- The new University of Virginia Blood Donor Center opens.
- The Hospital Auxiliary Snack Shop, also known as The “Pink Ladies Canteen,” closes after 50 years.
- The University of Virginia is the first hospital in the country to use a commercially manufactured tissue glue to reduce bleeding during surgery.
- The ninth annual edition of America’s Best Hospitals ranks nine University of Virginia medical specialties in the top tier of the nation’s best.
- Pegasus safely transports its 10,000th patient and flies past the one million-mile mark.
- The University of Virginia expresses deep concern regarding the just-discovered 1995 hospital baby-switching incident.
- University of Virginia medical students travel to Brazil, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Guatemala, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Kenya, and Indonesia for fourth-year electives.

Graduates of the School of Nursing have one of the best years in recent memory for finding jobs

Health care providers demonstrating the new instant hand sanitizer as an alternative to soap and water

Dr. Edward W. Hook, Chair of Internal Medicine for over 20 years, passes away

The John Vowles House, built in 1824 and thought to be the oldest building on West Main Street, is acquired by the Medical Alumni Association

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1998

HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital building opens at Fontaine Research Park

Class of 1998 students spotted in the Health Sciences Library

Students studying in the Library
- Library Books and Journals: 184,233
- Current Library Periodicals: 2,430
- Medical School Tuition: Virginia $11,642, Other $23,952
- Number of Medical Students: 556
- The Emergency Department begins renovations.
- The School of Nursing, in partnership with other departments across grounds, unveils a joint-degree program for nurses pursuing graduate study in bioethics.
- The University of Virginia Health System is listed among the one hundred most wired in Hospitals & Health Networks magazine.
- The name Virginia Health System is used for all health-related elements at the University of Virginia.
- Joan Echtenkamp Klein is awarded the newly funded Alvin V. and Nancy Baird Professorship in Historical Collections & Services.
- Bodytalk is the largest consumer health information center on the East Coast.
- The University of Virginia Health System continues planning efforts to minimize any disruptions that may be caused by Y2K.
- The Jeanette Lancaster Alumni Professorship in Nursing is the first professorship created at the University of Virginia to honor a female dean.
- Earplugs are available at the Library to muffle the sound of construction.
- The hospital is recognized as one of the nation’s top 100 hospitals and one of the top 15 major teaching hospitals in the study, “100 Top Hospitals: Benchmarks for Success.”
- The School of Medicine Class of 1999 football team wins the University title with teamwork and defense.
- The Library completes planning for its renovation.
- The Library assumes editorial responsibility for the Health Sciences Center Web site.
- The Library provides access to over 140 electronic full-text books and journals over the Web.
- The Library develops a virtual exhibit gallery of historical materials.

The Library celebrates the start of a long-awaited $5.5 million renovation and expansion project. Library Director Linda Watson and Dean Robert Carey heft the first shovel of dirt unearthed for the event from the Library’s unfinished basement, where construction will begin.

Dr. William Thornton, former chair of obstetrics and gynecology , passes away

Match Day for medical students

Halloween party

University of Virginia School of Medicine Class of 1999

Dr. Don Detmer and Joan Echtenkamp Klein in a Historical Collections & Services celebration to honor the Detmers for their long-standing support of the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library.