Claude Moore Health Sciences Library Historical Exhibits

Vaulted Treasures: Historical Medical Books at the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library

8th Evacuation Hospital

The U.S. Army Yellow Fever Commission

Ancient Roman Surgical Instruments

The Anatomical Theatre

The Plague Book

Taking the Waters: 19th Century Medicinal Springs of Virginia

Patients Voices in 19th Century Virginia

Physician Price Fixing in 19th Century Virginia

“Very Ill!” The Many Faces of Medical Caricature in Nineteenth-Century England & France

Early 20th Century Anatomical Wall Charts

Walter Reed and Typhoid Fever, 1897-1911

Ready to Do My Bit: The Personal Diary of Dr. Henry Hanson and the West Africa Yellow Fever Commission

Eugenics: Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Virginia, Eugenics & Buck v. Bell

American Lung Association Crusade

A Journey Through Time: An Online Scrapbook for UVa Medical and Nursing Alumni

History of U.Va. Cancer Care

University of Virginia Hospital Centennial Celebration

The Iron Lung

The Kerr White Health Care Collection

Joseph H. Farrow, M.D. , 1904 – 1977