Dr. Henry Hanson’s Diary, October 4, 1925 to July 27, 1927, and Maps
As the final report of the Philip S. Hench Walter Reed Yellow Fever Collection project states, “the Collection records the stories of many individuals — their thoughts and feelings, daily labors, controversies, professional activities, cultural perspectives, and personal relationships — that are seldom written into historic text.”[1] The diary of Dr. Henry Hanson offers insight into the field research conducted by the Rockefeller Foundation. We have freely quoted from it for this exhibit and are pleased to include the complete diary for those who wish to explore further. The maps below show where Dr. Hanson traveled in Africa.
Download Hanson’s Complete Diary (300Mb PDF File – Right Click to Save)
Download 1925 and Monthly Summaries for 1926 – 1927 (22Mb PDF File – Right Click to Save)
Previous: Hanson’s Biography / Next: “Much Dreaded Disease”
[1] “Digitizing History: The Final Report of the IMLS Philip S. Hench Walter Reed and Yellow Fever Collection Digitization Project,” Hench-Reed Collection, Historical Collections, CMHSL, University of Virginia, http://exhibits.hsl.virginia.edu/yellowfever/collection-digitization-report-1999-2004/ (accessed May 17, 2017).